Eclipse Equinox Documentation


This is the documentation of the Eclipse Equinox Framework.

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Where Is My Bundle

Sometimes when you start Eclipse, you don’t see your bundle and you wonder why. This page will provide a short description of steps that you can take to debug this problem.

Steps To Get More Information

Bundle States

OSGi Can’t See My Bundle

If your bundle isn’t in the list when you do an ss command on the OSGi console, then there are a couple of steps to take to diagnose the problem.

Eclipse v3.4 and later: p2

Eclipse 3.4 saw the introduction use a new update mechanism called p2 that has completely replaced the older Update Manager. p2 can follow dependencies to install pre-requisites, use mirrors for faster downloads, and garbage collect unneeded bundles. The plugins and features directories are now managed exclusively by p2, and humans should never add, remove, or modify any of the contents in these directories. p2 does support simple unzipping installations through the dropins directory, though this should be avoided if at all possible.

See the docs for high-level details about using the p2 UI within the Eclipse workbench. p2 also provides support for publishing, installing, updating, and removing software through the p2 publisher and p2 director.

Note that the dropins directory is only checked on startup and its content is treated as being optional; that is, a bundle that cannot be loaded is silently ignored. There is an IBM service document that provides some strategies for debugging plugin resolution problems in dropins.

Eclipse v3.3 and Earlier: OSGi - config.ini

Note: these instructions are for Eclipse 3.3 and earlier: those versions which are managed by the Classic Update Manager.

In your Eclipse configuration area (by default a configuration/ folder in the install directory) there is a file called config.ini. This is a Java properties file which contains properties which are read by OSGi on startup. The important one for you right now is the osgi.bundles property. This property lists the bundles that OSGi will see on startup and also sets their start level and tells OSGi whether or not to start them right away. By default, Eclipse will have 3 bundles on the list.


The org.eclipse.equinox.common bundle contains utilities and common classes used by other bundles.

The org.eclipse.core.runtime bundle contains the application extension point and will help OSGi figure out which application to run. (for instance, the Eclipse SDK)

The org.eclipse.update.configurator bundle actually does the work in discovering what other bundles you have, so we don’t have to list everything on this list.

You should have at least these 3 bundles in your list.

Update - platform.xml

In your Eclipse configuration directory in the org.eclipse.update folder, there should be a file named platform.xml. This is the file that the Update Configurator uses to determine the rest of the bundles that are known to your system.

The file is organized into sites. You should see a site with the location of platform:/base/ which basically means “everything from the plugins/ folder in my Eclipse install directory”. If you have created application extension locations via the update manager UI or if you have a links/ folder then you will have a site entry for each one you have created.

If your bundle exists in an enabled site that is in the platform.xml file, then everything should be ok. Note that the sites can list either features or plug-ins so you may need to know which feature your plug-in belongs to, in order to figure out if it should be known.